Roll Over

Certified dog trainer. Dog boarding and doggie daycare.

Leah has been training professionally now for 14 years. She is a certified dog trainer, works with Train A Dog Save A Warrior for 6 years and was a Mentor for ABC for 5 years.
Leah believes that just like kids not all dogs learn the same. She will find a training program that works best for you and your dogs. She is a mostly positive reinforcement dog trainer and using a method developed by Dr Mary Belle Adelman called the Optimum Placement Technique (OPT). Leah owns 10 dogs all who walk perfect and are very well behaved on just flat buckle collars. Most of her dogs are rescues with some really bad history's of aggression. Leah has work with all types of aggression, fearfulness, and stubborn dogs. She will find a way to motivate your dog into learning in the most positive manner possible.
Roll Over offers Private one on one training sessions both at our facility or in your home. We also offer Group classes for Basic obedience, advanced obedience, Board and Train, AKC star puppy classes, AKC CGC classes, Social classes, Agility classes, nose work, trick classes and even workshops such as Stray dog away, Reading your dog, Dog Park Safety.

Leah also trains horses. She has been riding sense she was 5 years old. Western is her style, pleasure, trail, barrels, poles etc is her specialty. Ask about our rates for 30 day ground work or 30 day pleasure or barrel training.

5006 Lylewood rd
Indian Mound, TN 37079
United States

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